Sunday, May 11, 2008

Body Language - Be Sexual

This is one my many current sticking points. Sometimes I feel so sexual and sometimes I feel so not. I have been working on Cajun's theory of body language. He suggests studying Jim Morrison to really see how to be sexual without doing anything. It's really powerful but also difficult. Whenever I run my Jim Morrison people ask why I'm so tired. It takes a lot of work and I'm not totally sure that it's for everyone, but it is good to see people who exude sexuality. I have been perusing youtube looking for a good video to study. I think this one is pretty good.

When he grabes the mic, it's just so sexual. It's really powerful. I will continue to work on this and post more. But I definately recomend reading Cajun's posts on this issue: Body Language #1, Body Language #2, Body Language #3. This stuff is really powerful, but I think it will take ages to really learn this stuff. There is just so much good material out there on how to adjust your life and improve it all.


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