Thursday, May 29, 2008

My life

I have a ton of things going on right now and I want to update you on them all. But I have decided I will write about a conversation I had with my friend this morning. I have been really close friends with this guy for a year and he really knows how good I am getting with girls. This morning he stopped by the house and we were chatting and he was telling me I better stay away from about 6 of the girls I have met this week. He said they all belong to the lead singer of his band. He was like be careful this guy is really alpha. The list of girls included girls with boyfriends and girls that this dude has dumped. My friend was like once this dude has picked a girl he owns her forever. So you really better be careful. He even used the word alpha.

I almost died laughing. The guy he is describing is a scrawny 19year old who has his mom drive him out every time I see him. I told my friend the last time I got a threat like that it was followed by two marines beating me and sending me down a flight of stairs. It's hard to be scared now. Then my friend said I mean it will be a battle of minds. I was like look if this guy has a problem with me tell him he can come say something to my face anytime he wants. I will leave my front door open every night when I sleep to make it easier for him to try and surprise attack me. I will not live in fear of anyone. My friend just kept making the threats so vague.

I haven't decided what action I will take, but now I am definitely inspired by the challenge. When I pushed my friends bluff he admitted that this dude is possessive of women including his ex-girlfriends because he is really insecure. I mean there are a lot of courses of action I could take, ranging from totally ignoring this loser to starting a confrontation. Now I don't fight anymore so that's not an option. To be honest, I really don't care about this guy at all and I'm only blogging to show you what kinda things are going on in my life.

You know I go to the gym constantly and work on my martial arts a lot. I don't feel physically scared. I think what I feel is mostly apathy with a hint of annoyance? I mean it's hard to feel nothing when you are threatened, but I am really trying to become emotionally unaffected. I'll ask for advice on the Lounge.


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