Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Job Hunt

So I have been talking to my dad a lot this week. And I love my work, but moving into London means that I have to build a new client base. I love studying at school, but I hate being poor. So I decided to get a job in London. I'm hoping to switch to a work visa, so that I don't have the stress of paying for school controlling my right to live here. Anyways, sometimes I forget that I am really qualified in teaching. I sent out my resume to 20 jobs Tuesday night. I really didn't expect to hear back for a few days. After the application deadlines. At 901 Wednesday morning, I get an email asking to set up an interview to teach at a University. How insane is that? DJ and uni lecturer. Anyways, the pay is almost 3x what I am scraping together now, plus I can still work as a tutor in my own time and build a company with my friends.

The lesson I'm leaning is about how MM and inner game apply to job seeking. My old frame was that I am so lucky to even get an interview, I should run there and beg for a job. But now I realize that recruiters like confidence, just as women do. So when I called to set up the interview, I was totally confident. Of course there was no answer and I got the machine. I left a message because I want the job and I'm normal. But then I thought about calling back before I left the house for the day and I started thinking about how I should never call a girl that fast! But then I remembered that it's a job and not to over analyze.

I called and got the guy. He kept trying to move the interview to times inconvenient to me. I finally got a time-slot that is after my hair appointment tomorrow. That's right. I'm cutting off my massive locks. But to be fair, I booked the appointment before I decided to get a real job. I am ready for a new rock star haircut and I have a really good idea. I can't wait to post pictures on the forum. So anyways the key issue is my frame.

My mindset is that I am the scarce resource. I am a young professionaly educator with a lot of experience and a fistful of references. It's not jobs that are scarce. I am an employment selector. For once I'm not nervouse about a job interview. I still got 20 more lines in the water. It's great to see the game rippling through my life, improving everything it touches.


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