Tuesday, May 27, 2008

who i run into

so i an walking out my good to meet a friend on my way to the gym and who do i see on my corner but the teacher from last night. She was walking away and for a second i hesitated but then i thought f that. I am not afraid of anything. She has a good lead so i jog and just pretend i am out for a jog. She was pretty rude and lame to be honest and i just dont have time for that. Her bad behavior really lowered her value and demosurated her lack of social calibration. I ejected because i just dont have time for rude people in any part of my life. Also her looks and daytime dress sense left a lot to be desired. Its strange how prettier girls just act nicer. Anyways it was funny to run into her outside my door. Just shows how small this town is. On another note, my other pulls are progressing along.


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