Friday, May 23, 2008

Goodbye Friends

So I have a friend who I used to think was a natural, until I realized he was just not picky. He will hook up with almost any age and everything from a 3 to a 10. It's interesting to see his technique. We have been kinda friends for a few months ago. At a party at my house a few weeks ago, he cheated on his girlfriend in front of me. Now he made me believe he would never cheat, so I had started to become friends with the girl. I wrote a lot about this at the time. Anyways, it really affected my faith in the English people. I mean somebody has to not cheat on this island right? Anyways, I was still hanging out with him and his girl until about 2-3 weeks ago, when they started shunning me.

I have no idea why and it took me this long to notice. I really don't care. If I were to guess, I would say that he cut me out to prevent me from ratting him out, which I wouldn't do, but I really don't know. I just noticed that they both have been ignoring my texts and ims for a while now. Since I text a bunch of friends at a time, I simply didn't notice them ignoring me.

The point is that my inner game has grown to the point that I am simply not bothered by their bad behavior. I have strength in myself and I can always make new friends. And I have been. There is a part of me that would like to find out why they cut me off, purely do to curiosity, but I really can't be bothered. I sent the girl an email asking if they were really shunning me, but she never replied. To be honest at my age I really don't respect people who won't just say what they are thinking. I think avoiding confrontation, rather than telling the truth is really immature. And I really subscribe to Badboy's theory that we not accept bad behavior from the people in our lives. Anyways, when friends start to pull away, just let it. As your inner game grows, you will start to make new friends that match the new you. And your real friends will start to stick out!


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