Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Body Popping

So a big part of my lifestyle is dancing. I absolutely love it. I'm pretty advanced at liquid. I can do some basic locking as well. Last week I found out Soul is into body popping, so it Stickler. I'm pretty excited to have some guys to work with. I definitely want to add this skill to my arsenal.

This is a video with my favorite dance clip of all time. Wait til it hits the black and white section at 3:2 in. Salty. This guy is so amazing. For years I have been trying to master this shotgun move. I know it's just a reverse of mime's rope-pulling trick, but it's still so advanced. I have decided I'm going to try and embed more videos and stuff in my blog to make it more fun. Anyways, I am always looking for other dancers in London to hook up with. Safe.


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