Sunday, June 1, 2008

FR - Polish Goodbyes

Last night was a goodbye party for one of the first girls I ever successfully number closed. I never actually had a day 2 with her as our wires just kept getting crossed. Bue she developed into a good social friend. Everytime I saw her out she would get excited and say hi and be really friendly. She's really pretty so it was great social proof. She is really nice so I actually also like talking to her. I met this girl in January and I have run into her about 5-10 times. Her roomate dated one of my friends for a while. Her roomate is stunning. Just hanging out with her I've had to get security's help in a club before. It's amazing how aggressive guys with atrocious game can be.

So last night they are going out dancing for a goodbye party. My friend is going back to Poland for 2months today. So I met up with them and a 3rd Polish girl. It was intense. I was out dancing with 3 extremely beautiful women. I took a moment to realize how much my life has changed recently. It was a really great night. Every guy was jealous and tried to break in, but they just couldn't. I really liked the new girl, HBAngel, but I didn't really game her because it was our friends goodbye party.

I could tell that it meant a lot to my friend that I came to her party. And it made me feel really cool inside. Just giving value made me feel good. We danced all night and my back is on fire right now. During the night the 2 girls I knew kept leaving HBAngel alone with me, while they went to the bathroom. I built some rapport, but I am still really developing my dancefloor game. She mirrored me a lot throughout the night. I number closed her caveman style near the end of the night. I just took out my phone and demanded her number, couldn't exactly ask when it's impossible to talk.

Outside I as able to run some banter and joke with all 3 girls. My two friends went home and I walked Angel home. She is just really cool. She expressed a lot of cool personality on the dancefloor and kept it up here. I had time to create a little bit of attraction and some callback humor. We only had about 7 minutes together where we could talk, but I built up a little rapport as well. I basically just set the stage for the next time we meet. When we got to her place, she cheek-kissed me and I didn't push the issue since we really hadn't developed anything yet. She is in my social circle so I keep that in mind. I texted her on my way home and she replied instantly, which for me is pretty good lately. I'm still really developing, but I had a killer time with some really cool chicks.


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