Monday, June 23, 2008

My Story So Far

Tomorrow marks my 6month anniversary in this lifestyle. On Christmas ever last year I realized I could never trust my 1itis and that I would die if I didn't change my life. I am so proud of how far I have come and I have a clear vision of how to move forward in my life. I have opened 700 sets, including 10 street sets (2 with sunlight!!!). I have slept with 3 great girls (and one great guy!..ahahah). I have expanded my friend group and met amazing people from all over the world dedicated to improving their lives. I have shared everything with my dad and almost everything with mom about game and my life. I have learned to break through mental barriers and change my life as a man. I have dropped a lot of weight and really started to exercise. I have started learning new dance moves again and practicing my martial arts.

I have so much more to go! I still need to open 1300 more sets before they start counting. I need to really focus on being comfortable in the daytime. I want to expand my friendships and move into central London. I need to change universities and take care of all that entails. I need to lose more weight and start really changing my diet. I need to cut soda out of my life 100percent. I need to develop a strong social network of friends I can trust and give value to, without any expectation of return. I want to meet more beautiful and amazing people. I need to crush my social anxieties. I need to expand my network and really find out my destination.

Something happened tonight. That reminded me of my motivation. I was sitting across from a beautiful girl on the subway for about 6 minutes. 6 months ago I would have looked at her and never considered opening her, just enjoyed her beauty. Today I thought about how to open a single girl across and a few seats down on the subway. By Christmas I want opening her to be like breathing. I want to be unchained. Able to talk to any person I want to, in any situation, of any gender. I seek and demand emotional and social freedom!


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