Sunday, June 8, 2008

FR - Saturday Night Social Circle Shrink

I peel off from the birthday party to see my boy Sheik. He is really getting back into sarging around me. He is a little rusty because he has had a gf for so long. We head out to our usual haunt and it's just a little rough warming up. I mean I warm up there by opening tons of sets in line for drinks usually. It's just the easiest thing. My warm ups are nothing special and kinda hate me. We go downstairs and I force him to spin-open a set as he is dealing with an AA renaissance. I just stand there for about 5 minutes acting casual. I just didn't care and I'm kinda peeping the room to see if anyone is cute enough. I join his set and he introduces one girl as a pole dancer. I say that is crazy I'm a pole dancer too. But she really was one and took it super serious. I think Sheik said it as a joke. I am pretty sure he had no idea it was true. I just keep vibing about it and joking but she is totally not on the same page as me. We eject and go to another part of the bar to really get into our stride.

We go up for some drinks and there is a smoking hot, super tall, mega skinny brunette. Just really stunning. She coughs right near me and I turn to her and ask if she has bird flu. Within about 2 minutes me and Sheik are running her and her 3 friends. I end up micro-isolated with the 2nd cutest girl. It's a situation where I have to climb the social ladder and I am fine with that bc I'm rolling into state baby! But I totally forgot to get a pic with these girls. Grrrrrr. I with I was just always mic-ed up with a video camera. To see all of my sets and adventures. They are bouncing to a dance club but it's too soon for it to not be weird. I mean one girl was loving Sheik. I was really rocking my current mistake of talking too fast, so his girl thought I was gay. I mean some girls really think it, but a ton don't. I think if I fix my speaking speed my game will explode. Anyways, the girls leave after a few minutes but overall it was a strong interaction and it will be cool when we run into them again as we inevitably will. I am pleased with how it went and what I learned.

We then bounce around the club and just don't see any great sets. Sheik is still struggling with opening, so I teach him my opinion opener and send him in. It's funny because I totally guard it like a top secret, even though it's in the Routines Manual and I haven't used it in weeks. He goes over and tears into the girls and then I text some friends. I go over to check on him and offer to get him a drink to make him look cool. It's so dark, but as I'm walking away I think damn those girls seemed familiar. When I get back I realize that it's the same girls from Thursday. Who already hooked up with some of my friends. It turns out one went on a date with my insta-wing buddy. So he did well. We hang with them for a while, but they won't let us isolate. I try to go and get drinks with one of the girls and they freak out. They are like if we split into pairs, it's 2 boys and 2 girls. I just go ok later. And me and Sheik eject big time. Man I try to be unaffected. But lameness really annoys me.

We get to another bar and I run into Sparkle. I'm not sure if she saw me because she never threw me a sneer. I am like of course I keep running into people I know lately. This town is really small I guess. Anyways, we go upstairs and I get a cougar to buy me and Sheik a shot within about 4 minutes of vibing. He turns it down though. I know he doesn't drink but seriously.

I then spin and open a smoking blond behind me. She has a little gold braid around her head so I ask if she's Egyptian. Her friends think it is hilarious. I run really solid game on her. Good vibing and kino. I develop good rapport. Even Sheik thinks I'm doing great. And he never thinks I have attraction. It really pushes me to become amazing. So then my friend shows up, who always ruins my game. He always walks up and tells girls how good I am with women. For some reason it's such a powerful frame-breaker. I walk over to him and I'm like please don't say anything, don't fuck me up dude. And he goes dude you have no chance with her, she's a total tease. And I am like dude I just asked you not to do that. He buys me a shot to make up for it. When I go back into set, she drops the boyfriend bomb. It was 100percent because of my frame shift. She had a change to mention boyfriends earlier. But she never mentioned a current one. Anyways, she is smoking but I lose her.

Her friend can see my massive attraction and isn't as cute so she goes for me. Hard. I am in jedi mode. I get her to grab my ass within 1 minute and I'm grabbing her boobs within like 2. I can't remember exaclty how I did it. But if I think it's ok, she thinks it's ok. I even took a pic down her shirt after she took one down my pants, both with my camera of course. Then my insta-win shows up. Man what the hell? I really like the guy and we have a ton of friends in common, but I have seen him a lot in the last two days. And he totally knows this set I'm rocking and he is best friends with the original target's boyfriend. I am literally drowning. And guess who he has with him? The two girls that had just annoyed me at the other bar. It's 12 by now and I'm supposed to meet my other friends and it's Sheik's bedtime. So we rock out, but we have to struggle past those two girls and then I see Sparkle on the way out.

I can't decide if she didn't see me, doesn't recognize me with my new haircut, or if she's moved from sneering to ignoring me. In a way I'm simply curious about it all. I have no ill will towards her and I've actually never hated on her to any of my friends. Oh well.

I go back to my friends and they are winding their party down. Also HBirthdayParty is gone. Sigh. It would have been nice to see her again. Should I have stayed at the party? How can I ever know. I wish Soul was here to hug me. He sent me a text saying he was having a crazy night in London, I can't wait to hear about it.


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