Monday, June 30, 2008

My Relationship with Sasha

So I have been hanging out with this guy a ton lately and you may have noticed that I've starting linking my posts to his version of the same events. I'm hoping that Soul will start his blog soon so that I can do the same thing with him. It's really funny to read different versions of the same event. Even though we met 2 weeks ago tonight, I have spent the night at Sasha's like 6 times. People think that we are childhood bestfriends, lovers, house mates, cousins or brothers. We have a symbiotic form of comedy. I already helped him out with a sketch and helped him write some lines. It's kind of a cool way to express my comedy. Maybe I will write more jokes for/with him in the future. Expect to see a lot more dual posts with him and I, at least until he moves back to Canada. There is also the strong possibility of us living together in Moscow in a year. This guy is a legend and has a really unique perspective on a lot of things. We are going to start a podcast together which I will be announcing in the next week or two. It will be informative, but more importantly, HILARIOUS!


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