Sunday, June 1, 2008

FR - Earlier that night

I didn't meet up with the Polish girls until midnight. Before that I was running sets with Sheik Yabouti. This kid is a long term friend of Stickler's with really solid game. I dove into my first set waiting in line for drinks with him. It turns out he knew the obstacle.

I worked the set for a while and even got micro-isolations. I felt like I was going through the model too quickly. Like I only had minor attraction, not enough to really grind through. The target was leaving for the summer the next morning, so SNL was really the only option. I was in set for about 45 minutes I would say. I was really strong in my progression and was running comfort routines, which I have been messing up all week, when the girls went to sit down. Now the main thing is, I failed in 2 isolation attempts. First, I tried just leading her and saying I can't hear you let's stand over here. She literally pulled me back and said, no here is just fine. I just kept on plowing, rather than making it weird. Actually, I wanted to laugh. It's so funny how as soon as I take Rokker's advice I get the ultimate isolation refusal. Then later when her friends went to sit down, I was like let's chat for a minute. Trying to create passive isolation. Instead she tried to get me to come with them. I was like in a minute. I mean I'm not a horse to be led. Anyways, I think they just left bc me and Sheik couldn't find them again. Oh well. Learning experience. BTW the girl looked like Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

In the middle of that set, I left to walk around with Sheik and ran into a 2set from the night before. I had rejected one girl's attempt to facebook close me on account of Sherrif. He's so right. Facebook closes are bs. I hate facebook chat so much. Anyways, these 2 girls were all over me. I number closed on girl and said I would let them add me on facebook to see the pics I took. They were being super sexual early on, but it was totally a shit test. I maintained my frame. We'll see what happens. I think chilling with these 2 might have hurt my other set, but such is life. I wasn't actually trying to create a jealousy plotline.

I ran into a 2set on the way out with Sheik. His boss and a former co-worker. They totally thought I was gay, so I was like are your boobs fake? Let me feel. They both did. Is that scandalous? I have been hanging with Soul a lot lately, so I think that could be his influence?


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