Thursday, July 10, 2008

Rockstar - Week 1 - Wed

So i went up to london for our night out with Keychain on the train. On the way up he randomly starts telling a story about kissing sparkle. Imagine my joy. That girl haunts me. And apparently she is the town bicycle. Sigh. I cant wait to stop bouncing into her and stories about her.

So we get a little lost on the way but i call Daxx and we are the first ones there. This guy is really sound. He is a really nice guy who has a good connection with his family. Some of the guys think his game is good only because he is so damn handsome. We spent over an hour getting a talk from him. Some of it was good. The bar was really dry. Almost no sets. There were a couple of cute girls but i didn't do a single approach. I just couldn't get in state. We were all just meandering. Daxx decides to bounce to china white. I dont have that kind of money this week and i have to catch the train home soon. I am in the class i had to come to right now. It is boring so here i am writing this blog on my phone. I brought my laptop but of course the battery is dead.

So we hit the train home. To be honest Keychain and i were pretty disappointed. Its one hour each way for us and costs a bit of dosh to ride the train. It was raining so all the girls stayed home. After bitching on the train we decide to hit a late night club. I call some friends to meet up and the four of us are chilling.

So we get into the club and it's pretty empty. Sigh. But lucky me my milf is there. She is super excited to see me. I have thought about converting her into my fb. But lots of baggage.

So i chat to her a bit and throw some kino her way. She is getting chatted up by two older dudes. I love this. She always hooks up with old creepy guys and then tells me how much she regrets it later. I bounce outside for a smoke and 2 girls open our circle. They are looking for a lighter....and guess who has one...hehe. They are nothing special and we start chatting through them. Keychain at one point isolates the girl I was working and puts his back between me and her. She was blonde so I didn't even think about it. Eventually we drop those girls and head back inside. By now my milf is talking to some old bald dude in the smoking area. I walk up, stande between them. and stick my tongue in her mouth. Because I can.

Keychain saw it and totally loved it. It put me 100% in state! So I go inside to chat to my homies. I haven't seen these guys in a while and they are both really quality guys. I like having friends around who aren't in game. It's more relaxed. I see a girl walk by that I've sarged before. I totally don't know her name but I make her sit with me. She is the girl from my tiny social circles post. She has hooked up with a mate of mine and totally freaked out after. To be honest she is only cute at night, but she is sweet when she's relaxed and not being self-conscious. I am in super-kino mode so I push the escalation hard. She isn't too into it because I number-closed her best friend a few weeks ago. Altthough she was actually always my target. I got her friend dating my instawing from that night. At least they were...haven't seen him in a few weeks. She ejects but pinky swears to come back and see me. It never happened. Se la vi.

Suddenly, I'm sitting there and my 2 mates are tired and heading home. I give 'em love and send 'em off. I text keychain and he is in-set and needs a wing. I walk over to find him, see the obstacle, and walk away. I think this has got to be a joke! I decide that I gotta do it and get my grenade vest on. I bounce in and just open the obstacle and totally ignore his target. I spin-isolate her and get her back to Keychain. I am just asking her the most inane questions I can to keep her from turning back but also dodging attraction like I'm in the damn Matrix. Then two of her friends walk up. A tall, chubby dude with glasses and a girl that seems alright. She totally has her boobs hanging out of her shirt, but far be it from me to complain. I almost feel bad for that poor bastard now. He had his arm around the girl. It was her birthday party. I grab her and throw her arms over my shoulders and put us face to face. I realize from my kino that she is single. I don't even ask. I am demonstrating my super accelerated kino to Keychain, because he had asked about it earlier. I spin the girl. And I have her spanking me within about 10 seconds. Then I'm squeezing her butt to see who's is harder. Mine is rock hard. It's my secret weapon. I'm gonna lose it when I get skinny tho. It won't be unexpected anymore. Back to the lesson. I was about to say that I have fast kino, but not like Dr. Yen. I just realized, however, that I accidentally absorbed a kino move off him last week without realizing it. I picked the girl up. It's a powerful kino move. Then I was like wow, you're heavier than I expected. You're really dense. You got a uranium necklace? She didn't know how to take that. I was super alpha. At this point Keychain runs off outside with his girl to start playing closing games. He used his ultrasecrect kiss close but he won't even tell me. It's ok. I have been using one I developed recently. I might post about it later, but it's not refined totally just yet. Anyways, the tall fat orbiter dude is now standing behind me and off to the side. He's the worst kind of obstacle. He's in love with her. The bar stinks of it.

Oh ya I skipped a part. When I was chatting to the orbiter at first he asked who I was and why I was there talking to them. I was like dude, I'm just distracting you guys while my friend chats up your friend. He did not like that at all. Fortunately, he wasn't even beta. He was some Greek letter at the end of the alphabet that only Soul knows about. So he just stood there. Back to the story....

So I grab the girl to go dancing. I trying my kclose like 4-5 times. I know I tried a bunch on the dancefloor. I am in hyperstate and doing massive kino. She was grinding on my gear big time. Then she is like I'm not good at dancing with boys. I was like let me tell you a secret. I was like I'm a man. (i know i say like a lot, but i was born in the valley dudes!) So I keep pushing hard and she is like dude aren't you gay. I was like what? She was like you and Keychain are together right? Now, me and him were barely near each other all night. Seperate sets. I was like girl, he's outside with his tongue in your friends mouth and I have been trying to put mine in yours for like 10 minutes. She was like I think you're gay. I was like you are making me feel something I have never felt before. I'm so confused. Hold me. So I put me head into her boobs. Then guess who shows up.

Captain orbiter. He hates me almost as much as he hates Keychain. Ha! He hands the girl a drink, none for him. That made me want to give him a copy of Magic Bullets. But to find the Matrix, one must seek the Matrix. So she is holding a drink and he actually reaches around her shoulder to put his arm around her to grab it for a sip for himself. He is trying to alpha me and in a way it is super cute. I wanted to be like dude, I was the god of the orbiters for two years. You probably worshiped me when I was infected with one-itis. I was damn patient zero. He is like we have to go now into her ear. The guy couldn't even whisper. I heard it on a loud dancefloor. Sigh. So they bounced off, but I didn't really care.

I went back to my table next to my milf and grabbed a few cheeky snogs in front of 3 dudes who were after her. Then one of them snogger her. So I snogged her again. The dude got pissed and left. I don't know why. One guy I offered a devil's threeway, but he freaked out. I blame Soul big time. What a bad influence!!! So I take milfy to the bar to buy me a drink. and guess who is next to her but big boobs. So I put an arm around both of my ladies. HAHA. It was so money. Then I make milf take a pic of me and big boobs. I will post it on the Lounge, but let's just say I'm not proud. Then I start taking pics to escalate with my milf. I pass the camera to Keychain, who has just walked up. And I swear he almost made me kick him.

He takes the camera and takes a picture of himself. I am like dude wtf are you running a routine on me. Then instead of taking a pic of me and milf. He actually passes it to king orbiter. For a second I thought my camera was getting a shortcut to the ground. The guy took a terrible pic, while Keychain has his camera out and is running the routine I taught him on the train on his girl. I swear. I even told him that my number one issue is when a wing f-s up my photo routine. So I walked him through it on the train. Obviously to no avail. Needless to say all my kissing pics of my milf are mostly of the back of my damn head. Don't worry I already talked to Keychain about it and sorted it all out. He didn't realize orbiter hated me. The guy missed all the drama while he was snogging his girl.

Then I was sitting at the table with milf, her friend, and her friends x from 13 years ago. The guy was a muscle guy. And totally after my milf. When we kissed he hated it. Then he was threatening to give me a slap. Milf was like what the hell I love Paladin. So he chilled. But some people. I wasn't into that scene. Don't get me wrong. I'm on good terms with the bouncers in that joint and they were bigger than this dude. But I think all people that like to bar fight should get their own island to live on together. Knowhatimean? Unfortunately, I think that happened already and that that island is called England.

So I start getting bored of being near negative vibes and me and Keys head off home together for a walking debrief. Milf keeps sending me sexy texts and saying she can kiss better. It's cute but I gotta get up early. While we are chatting near my house, orbiter and those 3 girls walked by. It was hilarious. I love when people are so socially uncalibrated that they can't detect my lack of caring. The guy was walking arm-in-arm with his 3 girls like he was the king of the universe. We just laughed. People are so silly.


What did I learn from all of this. If I hyper-escalate a girl, with almost no comfort. I might lose the kiss. That's all I learned. If you have comments leave them on my blog please. Thanks heroes!!!


Anonymous said...

"But I think all people that like to bar fight should get their own island to live on together. Knowhatimean? Unfortunately, I think that happened already and that that island is called England." hahahahaha, genius

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