Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weighty Issues

So I got my house mate to finally hit the gym with me. I was able to do most of my normal routine. I struggled with the rowing machine, as I'm still out of sorts after my surgery. So I did extra running on the elliptical. I broke my personal record and broke 4 minutes on that badboy. I'm sure there are people that can bring more noise than me, but I am wicked proud. I was doing 7 minutes just 2 months ago. I mean it wore me the hell out but it was cool. I hit the scales and I am so pleased. I am at 95.3 kg, that is 210 lbs or exactly 15 stone. I am really happy to push through a milestone like that. I am working on my diet as well as exercise now. I have shifted my snacking from chips to yogurt. I have shifted almost totally away from soda as well. I have slowly shifted my diet over the past 2 months and it's really working out. Now I am craving more vegetables. I am eating more stir fries instead of just meat and bread. Hopefully I can really tighten up in the next 6 weeks. My parents are visiting me then. They haven't seen me in 6 months and I want them to say holy crap what happened?
Now that I have adjusted my diet and I am going to bring a few basic supplements into the mix to see if I can have some real breathrough results. I am super focused right now and totally dedicated to my openness on this here blog. I am gonna use creatine again which I haven't used since I was 18. It really worked then so I think it will really work now. I would really like to drop down to about 85 kilos of lean muscle. That would please me to no end. I really am not sure if my bodyweight can actually drop to 80kg, but that is my stretch goal. I am going to keep on trucking.


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