Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Men of England

I had a massive party this weekend at my house. My house mate ran it, which meant that every girl there was one of my invites. But that's another post.... The thing that blew my mind was one of my friends. He has been terminally single for ages. He sleeps with tons of women. Beautiful and ugly. A girl just tied him down less than a month ago. He is doing the whole thing, even announced it on facebook. The girl is stunning and super cool. He once told me I was one of the few guys he would trust to leave his gf alone with. So I started being friends with her. And the first time I see him without her and he's cheating on her. With a girl that was rough as. I mean his gf is an 8 minimum and I see him making out at my house, with a ug3. I am shocked and totally affected. I realize now that every single guy I know over here cheats. It's so intense for me. Now you know I'm dedicated to the Venusian Arts, but I also massively believe in honesty. I'm single because I want to date lots of women. But if I get locked into a relationship, I don't cheat. I don't think it's congruent. Now I know there are a ton of guys that do, like my hero DaHunter, but that's just not how I roll. How come I can't make a single friend that isn't a cheater? It is starting to freak me out. Like maybe no such thing as a real relationship exists anymore. You could say I'm having a crisis of faith, but it's more like I don't want to be friends with all these guys sometimes. I mean I don't want to be associated with this behavior. I think maybe I need to just stick to gaming and avoid any type of ltr on this island. If all the guys are cheating, you can bet all the girls are. I mean just last week I told my friends gf that he would never cheat. So now I am the asshole. Every time I see her and don't say anything, I am the liar. So what do I do? Of course, I'm no rat but still........ It sucks. I may run massive amounts of routines and date with a huge element of strategy, but the real deal is that I don't lie. I think congruency is really important and I think lying is unacceptable. It's a weak tactic anyways. I hate when people lie to me. So now I have to think about life some. I mean you know I'm going through some weird stuff with my social circle close. I am just annoyed because I feel like I can't talk about stuff with any of my friends. Also if I do upgrade a girl to gf, I can't allow her to be around any of my friends. They all make moves on each other's girls. There is supposed to be honor among thieves. So maybe I should only be friends with puas.........


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