Monday, April 21, 2008

LR - Social Circle

So for the last month I have been pursuing this HB in my social circle. A month ago I thought everything was totally ruined and that I was trapped in the friend zone. I followed Mr M's model and broke rapport with her two separate times. The first time it was a small break and didn't really do anything, but I trusted in what I learned at my bootcamp and so when I thought it was ruined I just left the club and didn't talk to her anymore. I have no interest in LJBF. This girl is super popular and every guy I know wants her. She is super sexy. Anyways, after breaking rapport to prevent any possibility of a friend zoning, I rant into her last Wednesday. She comes right up to me and tells me I look hot. I was so pumped because I have been on a massive diet as you know and I am down about 7kg of fattiness. Nice for someone to notice. Anyways, as per usual she was surrounded by orbiters. I keep stacking attraction/comfort routines and making sure I'm locked in everytime we talk. We set up a date for Saturday, but she is so drunk that she forgets. She has to leave do to an emergency like 1 minute after I timebridge. We text back and forth a little the next night and it turns out she already has Saturday plans that she had forgotten. I totally let it go and just tell her to text me later. Come Saturday, she starts blowing up my phone and tells me to come meet up with her and all her friends out drinking. I'm at another bar about 100 meters away. I number close the only cutie in the bar and head over. She is looking sexy as hell and has about 8 guys out with her. I isolate her immediately at the bar while we get some drinks, and you best believe she bought her own. We are really getting along and the strength of my frame was what got me through everything that night. Outside, our mutual friend asks me how much I like her HB friend and I avoid the question. I'm like I don't talk about personal stuff. But now I know she's really into me if she's sending out the friend.
We bounce to another bar and more kino escalation. She is pursuing me and as usual she is insanely drunk. I go outside again and the friend asks me if I want a fuck buddy or a relationship. I was thinking this is a party girl and tell her I'm not looking for anything serious. She tells me great because the HB told her that I was not her type, but she just wants to fuck me. So now the date I've set up to watch a movie with my HB comes up. The friend tells me that there will be no movie, HB just wants to fuck. I am surprised, but not complaining. I go back inside and face the biggest frame test of my career. The HB is making out with some idiot jock and has totally forgotten about me. The friend is all apologizing to me and trying to make me feel better. I tell her that I'm fine and I game all the other girls in the club. I say she just better not break out date for tomorrow. Later on she leaves with the guy and her friend tells me how she is fucking that dude tonight, but tomorrow HB is gonna fuck me. I maintain my frame and I'm really not bothered. All night I have been texting my other 3 girls and arranging dates. I already have another girl booked for early Sunday.
I go home and chill with my housemate and finally crash at like 6am. At 915 my phone starts blowing up. HB wants to come over. She gives me just enough time to get to the gym. I want my heart to be warmed up for today's exercise. She is looking sexy as hell when she get's over and we just start chilling. It's my first Day2 like this. So kino is a litle akward at first. We just talk and talk. For NINE damn hours. I screen the hell out of this girl and it turns out that her friend was totally wrong and she's really into me. She passes all of my tests, unexpectedly. She is smart, funny, interesting, and into travel. She is really into me and we connect. We only go into basic comfort, I am staying away from the black magick of Deep Comfort right now. I am not running any routines as it just doens't feel natural to me. I try to kiss her a few times and she keeps turning her head. I just ignore it as I know that it's not an if we kiss, just a when. At 10pm, she finally lets me kiss her. We spend the next 8 hours Fclosing. It was off the charts. My whole frame has changed and I realized I really like this girl. I am going to take it slow and not making any AFC mistakes (hopefully), but I am super pleased with my success.

PS It turns out all the information from the friend was wrong, she never banged the other dude Saturday night. I'm her first bang in months. Her reputation is totally bogus.


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