Friday, April 4, 2008

Recommended Reading

As you can see I have some blogs to the right that I recommend reading. These dudes are all masters. At this stage, I am just keeping a record of my struggles and battles. These guys post really raw and useful knowledge. Each of them has a different take and it's a really good way to get solid info. Some people are keyboard jockey's and spend forever on the forums. I'm guilty of that. Usually I open the Lounge and leave it open all day. If anyone is looking they must think I'm the worst! Usually, I have to run to catch a train and I forget to close the window. I don't share this computer and no one would ever come in my room so it's whatever.
Anyways, I just finished reading all of DaHunter's blog for the past year and it's wicked hilarious. I am just digging into some of the other one's but I definitely think it's good to mix in blog reading with everything else. I was just looking at my past posts and I actually can't believe all the adventures that I've had in the past 3 months. It's actually insane. If I leave my house something worth blogging about happens. I actually don't blog about half of the chicks I talk to. Sometimes it's just too convoluted and I don't feel like writing a book, although I have written like 5 posts tonight. Looking back has actually given me a really good confidence boost. I can see how cool my life is getting. If you go back and read my first posts, that I wrote in Japan, you can see pure AFC thinking. I wrote those 6months before I even heard of the scene. Anyways, I'm off to wacth The Happiness Space. I'll let you know if it's good!


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