Friday, March 28, 2008

Army of Wings

I posted about this on the Lounge, but I was out wed night with a female wing and I cracked open some sets in a bar I've always been afraid to open in. It really is all in my head. Once sam said it was his favorite place to sarge it changed my whole perspective. I cracked open some sets there with really natural openers. Two girls sat on the couch opposite us. A guy took a chair off the girls next to us etc. I was really just doing my warm up sets, but I ended up staying in set with this 2set for hours. I totally messed up tho. I ended up building attraction with the wrong girl! After a couple of hours an army of low value men attacked. 6 losers were backing up their one friend and I was just overwhelmed. I wasn't high energy anymore as I was deep in comfort post number close. Unfortunately, the girls were really dumb and I lost them to distraction tactics. It won't happen again. I will just blow them out faster instead of letting them do their thing. I am really at phase where I don't care. The feeling that allows me to open a ton of sets kinda puts me in a state of non-reactice to this sort of thing right now. My game is constantly improving. I am still in a place where I really need to work on attraction.... I got the girls' numbers and a facebook close, but both went cold! How lame is that! Oh well.
The first 2set that I opened left while I was working the 2nd one. But! I ran into the cute one last night. She recognized me and we chatted a bit. But she left again last night before I could really close. Shame. But last night I did open a wicked 2set of girls. They were so funny. I was like how do you guys know each other and they were like we are partners. So I asked if they were cops. They loved it. We chatted for a while and it was pretty cool. I will probably see them out again. They thought I was gay at first too, but then they said how that must be powerful mojo that gets me in under a lot of radars. The secret is that I need to mention my sexuality once I have been in-set for a few minutes I think. I have sooo much to work on, but at least I keep meeting super cool people.


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