Friday, March 28, 2008

Gym Warrior

I know I said I would mention my workout/weight status in every blog but I keep forgetting. I'm still hitting the gym a lot. My weigh is fluctuating right around 98kg. I had the flu for about 10 days so I missed the gym. I have been yesterday and today. I feel a ton better. Just so electric after some time in the gym. I felt like the girl working there was really checking me out too. I got a few smiles. I know some guys are super into gym game, but I'm not at that level yet. I go to the gym to really focus. I am really hitting some goals though. I am about 20% stronger than when I started. Now I'm hitting the real pain barrier in my lifts. It feels really good tho...I really need to adjust my diet more and I'm starting to work on that. No more soda, just water and juice for me. I'm trying to increase my vegetable intake a lot too. I think inner game is crucial and going to the gym dramatically alters my inner game. It's great!


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