Monday, March 24, 2008

BootCamp Review

Sorry I haven't blogged in 2 weeks. Been busy living. Some strange things have gone on. I really need to develop my Social Circle Game. Se La Vi. Anyways I got a surprise last minute invite to a London bootcamp. It was wicked. Here is my review.

This bootcamp was amazing overall. I will start off with the negatives as that will be my shortest section.

Things to Improve-
Need more/different venues to work at- there was a RSD (real social dynamics) bootcamp at the same venue as us both nights
more clear instructor assignment- i missed the first day lectures and just met up in time for infield, i kept getting passed between instructors and so didn't get as much time in set as i would have liked
lecture calibration - the lectures were really targeted towards beginners on days1/2, as someone who is a little past that level I would have liked to spend more time on the material we covered on day 3 in more depth (but that is covered at other more advanced trainings...)
better women- everyone was opening women, but I didn't see the instructors open a girl I found amazing, I would really have liked to see that. But that's mostly the clubs fault anyways

That is all the negative things I could think of and really they almost don't matter at all compared to my overall experience. All of the instructors were really kind and spent time talking to me. They really moved my confidence up a level.

The lectures -
The Don - His lectures on attraction and comfort were wicked. I went into this bootcamp with attraction my main area of weakness. He just put together the one piece missing from my jigsaw puzzle and made it seem so natural. I have been the king of dead phone numbers until now. Right after his lecture I got my strongest number close in 3 months. He is very funny and casual. It really helps that he is not super good looking, as most of the other London instructors are. I never felt like I was sitting in class and his sense of humor is very congruent with mine. I feel like I could tell the same kind of jokes and use the same frame with great success.
Mr M - This guy is amazing. I had a pre-conception about him based on reading DaHunter's blog, but I wasn't even close. This guy just pours out knowledge in a way that is really easy to understand. I jumped from beginner to intermediate just by being near him. I told him my biggest issue is Social Circle Game and he just poured info into my for 30 minutes. It was amazing. He is preparing a seminar on just this subject and I absolutely recommend it. His talks made the time fly by. Usually in class I'm not begging the clock to slow down. This guy is a legend.
Soul- His talks on day game direct game were unreal. He is a master of his arts. He only had time to show us the tip of the iceberg, but I recommend spending time with him. If you can get a 1on1 with this guy or get to one of his upcoming seminars on day/direct game just do it.

The Instuctors - on a personal level (the ones I worked with)
The Don - This guy is really nice and easy to be around. As someone who has spent too much time on the forums and reading I thought it would be strange to be around a guy who is pretty famous. He has a really strong don't-give-a-damn attitude that fills the dudes around him with confidence. We didn't do any sets together but just chatting to him was really natural. He felt like a guy I would hang out with if I lived in LA again.
Mr M - I cannot say enough about this guy. He is like a super nice brave mad scientist of game knowledge. He really knows his stuff and will bend your ear for hours on any subject you ask him about. This guy makes you feel like his friend and he will do anything you ask him to in the field. I asked him to get blown out of a set really hard just to see what it looks like and he turned around and did it. I always just get a back turn when I'm blown out but he got yelled at. It didn't affect his frame at all. I really saw how to get blown out and not care as you come back to your friends. He spent every minute between lectures sharing knowledge and even stayed in the club hours after the session was supposed to have ended. He has a really good sense of humor and is an amazingly nice guy.
Soul - We only worked together for a short time, but this is one really nice guy. He is honest and direct and being around him will up your social prowess. He really knows his game and loves to teach. You never feel like a student in-field, just a friend. He will go in-set with you and jump on any grenades to help you. He makes it all feel natural.
Vercetti- This guy is new on the scene but he blew it up. I worked with him the most and I just felt like I was in the club with my best mate as we blew open set after set. The first night I has massive AA and he just sent me into a really scary set of cougars and ordered me to get blown out. And I did. After that my confidence was through the roof. I felt so comfortable. With him as my wing I Kclosed within 2 minutes of walking into the club the 2nd night. He has a really positive energy and if you are around him you just absorb it. He is natural and comfortable with himself. And a really good model for how to feel inside yourself. This guy might be new to Mr M's team but pretty soon everyone is gonna be clamoring for 1on1s with him so I recommend getting time with him now. His club game is carved out of wood.
Sam- I worked with Sam a lot as well. His first question was what are my weaknesses. I told him I was afraid of mixed and seated sets. Ten seconds later I was in one that lasted a good 10 minutes. It went so well some of the other students thought I was an instructor. This guy is really solid. He is normal looking, but his game is strong as hell. He just seems like a casual normal dude but his game is so strong. He really shows how powerful game is. He is a really cool dude and opened so many doors for me. He threw me into sets I would have been afraid to open I got my strongest number close ever off of a hen party I went into with him.
Leon - I only spent a few minutes with him when I first arrived at the club on the first night. This guy has really tight game and he comes off as sincere and sweet. He is a really skilled magician and a nice guy. If magic is part of your game I definitely recommend spending time with this man. I wish there were more hours in the field so I could have seen more of him in action
The others - They were all amazing, but I didn't spend time in set with them. There just isn't enough time in the club to work with everyone. I recommend finding the guys you click with the best and working with them. That is what I did with great success. I would have loved to spend time with every single guy that I met this weekend. They are all solid and I can see why Mr M chose them all. He is a really nice guy and surrounds himself with the same high caliber kinds of people.

I missed the Day1 instruction so I didn't know anyone as I struggled to find the club Friday night. I was full of nervous energy when I got to the club and struggled to find the guys. Mr M sent me a ton of texts to help me find the group. 5 minutes after I got to them I felt I had known them for ages. Vercetti blew my AA away by sending me into a set of cougars with the intention of getting blown out. Sam got me into my first seated set. It was the first time I had a mixed set, used a false time constraint correctly, worked a group, dealt with an AMOG and ran out of things to say. I was so focused on doing all the things Sam had told me to that when I unexpectedly got through them all, I forgot my later game. I felt really confident after working with these guys. It was also really nice just to talk to all of them on specific issued in-between sets.
The Second night I got into the club early and ran into Vercetti. We went to see if any of the other guys were there and bumped in a a 3set of high energy girls. We really worked on advanced game with them as it was all shit-tests and off script. We walked around the club with these girls and I kclosed the cutest one right in front of mr M at the front door. It was hilarious and great social proof. I opened a seated, scary 4set later with Sam and got an amazing number close. Just listening to the advice from the instructors will change your game soooooooo much instantly. I went from a guy with no-kino to a master in one night. I feel so comfortable touching people now that it's just part of who I am. I had my final close of the night working with Mr M. I felt like there were no more girls I was attracted to around, but he convinced me to try one last time. Right as I was about to open this really cute girl, in front of Mr M himself, she puked all over me. It was a real opportunity to work on my skills at being unaffected. Unfortunately, it broke my frame and I didn't open any more sets after that, but Mr M said it was ok to let something that major break my frame. He thought it was hilarious as did everyone else. I now know that nobody will ever forget me in the scene.

Overall experience/Was it worth it?
The experience totally depends on you! I went in with the attitude of doing whatever they told me too. It overwhelmed my normal AA/fear. It was great. Am I a master after one weekend? Of course not. But I am a lot better and I am full of new potential. I will spend the next 2 months really pushing and using what they taught me to bring my game to a new level. I feel like a bootcamp takes about 6-10 months of learning on my own and puts it into one weekend. I see so much more of the Matrix now. These guys are all nice friendly and knowledgeable. They will do anything you ask to improve your game. They cover direct and indirect, however you want it. They were so proud of all of our successes. I definitely recomend working with Mr M if you want to develop your skills. His whole team is filled with sound guys.

I 100% recommend this bootcamp. And remember I was the guy that got puked on in-set.


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