Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Textual Calibration

So I had a date tonight booked with my HBHenParty from sat. I had solid text game and secured the date. But I really didn't care one way or the other. When she called me last nite to finalize the plans I had mixed feelings. Anyways, today I tried out some different text frame to learn about calibration and which frame is the most powerful. When I sexualized the texts she withdrew and when I accused her of trying to seduce me she pulled forward. I kept trying out different things and eventually broke the line. But I realized that it's important to learn about calibration with the ones we don't care about. I really shouldn't be going out of town tonight anyways for money reasons and I need to finish some coursework for college. But the lesson is very important, don't use text game to sexualize. Save that for in-person. Since there is no kino, sexual escalation seems creepy and weird. Touch is a crucial component to sexualizing any encounter. Maintain a defensive playful funny frame on the phone. My game is so much tighter with what I've learned today. Keep on trucking. I will go out tonight and open a few sets just to keep alive. But I think it's important to focus on callback humor and make anything sexual seem like an accident!


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