Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Morning After

So after a killer nite....i wake up as the sun is cutting thru the window.....i'm well pleased bc this girl had a smoking body....so i was enjoying an eyeful if you knowhatimean....but she totally made me clothes the curtains bc she was shy about her body....i was like jeeZ if you're shy about a body like that i should live under a bridge or in a cave.......anyways it was really nice just a lil morning snuggling........the room was a total mess.....used condoms thrown all over the joint...blankets all in disarray.........it looked like a horny tornado struck! ahahahah anyways when she wakes up she is like um....what's your name again? very flattering....to be fair her guess was really close....then she asks if i'd ever banged her friend that was at ollie's apt......i was like wait...you thought maybe i'd banded your best friend and you still give it to me? awesome! anyways we scramble to get up because all her stuff is still at ollie's pad and he gots ta to work so we wanna get there before he dips..........so we try to get all dressed n stuff and cruise downstairs to meet up....those two smartasses downstairs are smiling like a coupla cats....anyways i got like 10 minutes before i gotta leave for work so i drop her off and i'm like i'll call you later.........even tho i dont have her number but i was prolly gonna text her friend to get it later...bc for real this girl was smoking....she was really tight downstairs ifyouknowwhatimean........i mean any tighter and the mission woulda been a no-go.....so i rush upstairs to get ready and start a bath and i am waiting and shit....it takes 40 mines for my damn bath to heat up....its like from the damn middle ages....i have to start a damn gas fire next to the bath tub and wait for it to heat it all up.....unbelievable...anyways i was feeling super sticky in the "region" youknow? no way i wanna drive an hour to work and sit in a hot office all day....stinking of sex....especially japanese sex....i mean if there is a smell my coworkers and students are maybe gonna recognize........i mean for real...who wants to go to work with sticky crotch.....anyways i was like fuck this.......i cant work under these conditions........so i'm like i gotta pull a sickie!.....anyways i take my bath and both girls come by so that i can give 'em a ride to their car across town.....anyways i call in sick and rock the fake cough american style and they are tryin so hard not to laugh.....i guess they never seen such action.....anyways i drive 'em across town and the bird takes my phone number etc and we agree to meet up at 1 oclock when her friend gots ta go to work....so anyways i drop em off and on the way back throw my friend a text asking her not to talk about me with the girl i just shagded.....ya right......japanese girls not chatting...pFfts.........tell you about our 2nd date in a minute......but on the way home damn....all i could think about was her tight body.......she was so fuckin skinny just like i like....i mean i'm really into that .....like a damn commercial for poverty or whatknot.....i could see all of her ribs front and back...run my hands over 'em.....so nice......i could almost fit her whole ass into the palm of my hand.......not gonna lie....this girl was top notch...i mean i was a lil worried in the middle of the night when i started to sober up...but she looked even hotter in the light......poW!


oriba said...

Having a sticky crotch and reeking of sex is the best thing about being at work fresh from the morning after. Every now and again you get a waft of yourself, and all those memories come flooding back.

As a bonus, no-one will be able to look you in the eye all day long. Just like Tom Cruise.

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