Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Failing the Method

So last week I had my killer social circle close. There was a lot about this that was great. The girl came over midday and we chilled at mine. Nine hours of talking later I fclosed. She spent the night again two days later, but now she has disappeared. I don't know if I will see her again, but I am aware of two major mistakes I made with her. I believe that a mistake sometimes won't crop up til about two phases later.
First, I decided to "go natural" on our date. Instead of running masses of qualification routines and comfort building, I just had a normal deep conversation where I slowly seduced her the way I always have seduced women. This was enough to get me to the actual fclose, but post that close everything has fallen apart. I asked her many qualification questions, but I didn't push them hard enough. I think that they just seemed to flow as part of the conversation and she didn't realize I was qualifying her. This means that she built up my attraction, without feeling like she earned it. So later on when she was reviewing what happened between us, she feels like a step is missing. Of course I'm not inside her head right now, but I believe that this is exactly what I can expect. I did build a lot of comfort/rapport by having a deep long conversation, but an element is missing. She doesn't feel like she worked had enough to get me.
Second, my frame fell apart after I developed feelings. I pursued her too hard and became an AFC. I realize that I have a deep hole in my frame when I develop feelings for a girl. I have worked on this a lot in the last week and my frame is now much stronger. I am constantly learning and growing. But she saw me flinch in public and that one moment of weak frame is haunting me. I had a friend with me who kept whispering AFC things into my ear. So I blame myself for allowing him near me at a crucial time. It won't happen again. His low self-confidence totally affected me. She told me that she was most attracted to my confidence, so to see it falter really damaged her attraction for me.
The lesson to be learned here is that every time I decide to go it alone. Things tank. I need to just stay true to the method. The more textbook I am, the more successful I am. It's a learning curve. I think I will certainly fclose this girl again, but for now I need to focus on bringing new girls into my life.

The Men of England

I had a massive party this weekend at my house. My house mate ran it, which meant that every girl there was one of my invites. But that's another post.... The thing that blew my mind was one of my friends. He has been terminally single for ages. He sleeps with tons of women. Beautiful and ugly. A girl just tied him down less than a month ago. He is doing the whole thing, even announced it on facebook. The girl is stunning and super cool. He once told me I was one of the few guys he would trust to leave his gf alone with. So I started being friends with her. And the first time I see him without her and he's cheating on her. With a girl that was rough as. I mean his gf is an 8 minimum and I see him making out at my house, with a ug3. I am shocked and totally affected. I realize now that every single guy I know over here cheats. It's so intense for me. Now you know I'm dedicated to the Venusian Arts, but I also massively believe in honesty. I'm single because I want to date lots of women. But if I get locked into a relationship, I don't cheat. I don't think it's congruent. Now I know there are a ton of guys that do, like my hero DaHunter, but that's just not how I roll. How come I can't make a single friend that isn't a cheater? It is starting to freak me out. Like maybe no such thing as a real relationship exists anymore. You could say I'm having a crisis of faith, but it's more like I don't want to be friends with all these guys sometimes. I mean I don't want to be associated with this behavior. I think maybe I need to just stick to gaming and avoid any type of ltr on this island. If all the guys are cheating, you can bet all the girls are. I mean just last week I told my friends gf that he would never cheat. So now I am the asshole. Every time I see her and don't say anything, I am the liar. So what do I do? Of course, I'm no rat but still........ It sucks. I may run massive amounts of routines and date with a huge element of strategy, but the real deal is that I don't lie. I think congruency is really important and I think lying is unacceptable. It's a weak tactic anyways. I hate when people lie to me. So now I have to think about life some. I mean you know I'm going through some weird stuff with my social circle close. I am just annoyed because I feel like I can't talk about stuff with any of my friends. Also if I do upgrade a girl to gf, I can't allow her to be around any of my friends. They all make moves on each other's girls. There is supposed to be honor among thieves. So maybe I should only be friends with puas.........

Friday, April 25, 2008


That's right after a killer workout today. I weighed in at 91.75kg. It was with shoes off but who cares. I feel electric. Nothing else matters. I am dedicated to improving me and my life. I want to be amazing and powerful. I have had a crazy amazing week. I am dealing with some internal emotional frame issues, but I am getting better. I wanna run all over town shouting my weight. AHAHAHA. I still have a ways to go. But I have dropped over 8kg in 2 months. I would really like to drop 3 more in the next 3 weeks. That would be great. Because that's when my parent's get here.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Weight Gainer

So I had a stressful encounter with the HB I been posting about lately today. My frame was weak for a moment. I don't feel like posting the details....It was really a small moment of public awkwardness and by tomorrow will probably be fine, but for now I'm cycling. Anyways, I realized I need to hit the gym big time. If I exhaust my body, maybe I can exhaust my mind. I wanted to work so hard I made my muscles bleed. That didn't happen. But almost. I did extra cardio all over the place and really hit the free weights. I'm barely awake right now I'm so shattered. I hit the scales and guess what. I'm 93.3kg. That's right I'm 3.3kg from my initial stretch goal. Now my target is 85kg. I think I can actually flatten my belly if I don't lose focus. I keep forgetting to take my thermo pills, but I think the massive quantity of sex I have been having has really helped. I just need to not let that keep me from the gym. I really want to get stronger as well as thinner. It's tough to work on both at the same time, but so far I am very pleased with my results!


I have posted on the forums a couple of times about what I'm going through right now. Getting my dream girl, social circle etc. A lot of my wings are really pushing me to keep my distance from this girl as I am developing into a skillful pua and they reasonably believe in staying true to our art. They want me to focus more on fb relationships or mltrs. To avoid locking into anything monogomish. I totally see where they are coming from. I am caught between my two desires; to become an mpua and to find an amazing ltr. I did not expect this new girl to get through my screening questions. I have recieved massive support from two mpuas who I really respect and I feel a lot more comfortable now. They are really proud of me and my progress. I find that more than amazing. I think that's one thing that some guys struggle with in this community. They get locked into a certain frame and forget that a lot of guys are in the scene to be able to choose their ltr partners. Anyways, their support has really helped me as I face deciding what kind of relationships I am looking for. It's good to know that there are great guys out there.

Social Circles and Social Proof

This new girl is so amazing. I have interviewed her to analyze every phase of the seduction. For 3 months I slowly built my social status in her eyes. She has told my friends that I am a legend at her favorite bar. All of the cute bartenders there really love me, including her best friend. She also used to work at this bar. She is so well known that she used to have a facebook fanclub, which she knew nothing about for ages. Following the method of developing social proof, my status has grown through cold approaches. I even have status with the owner of the bar, as he has seen me with several beautiful women. I am learning a lot about social circle development. Anyways, back to the point. I asked her the exact moment when she felt attraction for me. It was 3 months into the seduction. Now the thing to remember is that I never felt the strength to number close for ages. I even thought I had tanked the entire possibility on several occasions. But as soon as the conversations went south I ejected. She doesn't remember any of my mistakes. She mostly remembers my social proof, flare, and how I'm different to other guys. The exact moment she felt attraction for me was about 1 month ago when I broke rapport. Now this is super hard to explain in my opinion. I can only explain in the specific. After comfort and status, it's important to break rapport to create the attraction. Mr M explained this to me in a few minutes, and to be honest I don't know how it works it just does, kinda of like my tv. I actually broke rapport two times in our relationship. The first time was right after my talk with Mr M. She texted me to say she had added me on facebook. I waited one day and replied in a cocky funny manner. We aren't that good of friends! I delayed accepting her friend request for about a week or two. And teased her on the phone. Then I saw her about a week later and while we were hanging out, I tried to kino escalate. I felt no attraction. I was stacking attraction routines after attraction routine and they just weren't working. It smelled like LJBF territory to me, so I ejected hard. I just said I'm not having a good time, I'm going home. I broke rapport. I didn't text her, email her, or call her once. I actually just assumed that I had tanked and I let it go. Flash forward to last Wednesday, I am in the bar where I have massive social proof. She comes in with her best friend who loves me, runs up to me, and tells me that I look hot. Pow. I felt invincible. I have been working out tons as you know, so I was really excited to hear that girls are noticing. We chatted that night and set up a date Saturday. Then she pursued me. She kept texting me and expressing massive interest. She came over to my place Sunday and we really connected. She is extremely high value and told me the thing she is most attracted to is my confidence. My frame is what brought her in. I threw out a tester comment yesterday, joking about dating up. And she said what are you talking about? I'm not above you. She is massively into me and she has passed all 30 of my screening questions. We are super compatible and maybe things will actually work out. Who knows? Anyways, if you want to get girls that you already know it's possible. The important thing is to not create too strong an impression BEFORE you have high social status. As I ejected whenever things were weak, she barely remembers those occasions.

Monday, April 21, 2008

LR - Social Circle

So for the last month I have been pursuing this HB in my social circle. A month ago I thought everything was totally ruined and that I was trapped in the friend zone. I followed Mr M's model and broke rapport with her two separate times. The first time it was a small break and didn't really do anything, but I trusted in what I learned at my bootcamp and so when I thought it was ruined I just left the club and didn't talk to her anymore. I have no interest in LJBF. This girl is super popular and every guy I know wants her. She is super sexy. Anyways, after breaking rapport to prevent any possibility of a friend zoning, I rant into her last Wednesday. She comes right up to me and tells me I look hot. I was so pumped because I have been on a massive diet as you know and I am down about 7kg of fattiness. Nice for someone to notice. Anyways, as per usual she was surrounded by orbiters. I keep stacking attraction/comfort routines and making sure I'm locked in everytime we talk. We set up a date for Saturday, but she is so drunk that she forgets. She has to leave do to an emergency like 1 minute after I timebridge. We text back and forth a little the next night and it turns out she already has Saturday plans that she had forgotten. I totally let it go and just tell her to text me later. Come Saturday, she starts blowing up my phone and tells me to come meet up with her and all her friends out drinking. I'm at another bar about 100 meters away. I number close the only cutie in the bar and head over. She is looking sexy as hell and has about 8 guys out with her. I isolate her immediately at the bar while we get some drinks, and you best believe she bought her own. We are really getting along and the strength of my frame was what got me through everything that night. Outside, our mutual friend asks me how much I like her HB friend and I avoid the question. I'm like I don't talk about personal stuff. But now I know she's really into me if she's sending out the friend.
We bounce to another bar and more kino escalation. She is pursuing me and as usual she is insanely drunk. I go outside again and the friend asks me if I want a fuck buddy or a relationship. I was thinking this is a party girl and tell her I'm not looking for anything serious. She tells me great because the HB told her that I was not her type, but she just wants to fuck me. So now the date I've set up to watch a movie with my HB comes up. The friend tells me that there will be no movie, HB just wants to fuck. I am surprised, but not complaining. I go back inside and face the biggest frame test of my career. The HB is making out with some idiot jock and has totally forgotten about me. The friend is all apologizing to me and trying to make me feel better. I tell her that I'm fine and I game all the other girls in the club. I say she just better not break out date for tomorrow. Later on she leaves with the guy and her friend tells me how she is fucking that dude tonight, but tomorrow HB is gonna fuck me. I maintain my frame and I'm really not bothered. All night I have been texting my other 3 girls and arranging dates. I already have another girl booked for early Sunday.
I go home and chill with my housemate and finally crash at like 6am. At 915 my phone starts blowing up. HB wants to come over. She gives me just enough time to get to the gym. I want my heart to be warmed up for today's exercise. She is looking sexy as hell when she get's over and we just start chilling. It's my first Day2 like this. So kino is a litle akward at first. We just talk and talk. For NINE damn hours. I screen the hell out of this girl and it turns out that her friend was totally wrong and she's really into me. She passes all of my tests, unexpectedly. She is smart, funny, interesting, and into travel. She is really into me and we connect. We only go into basic comfort, I am staying away from the black magick of Deep Comfort right now. I am not running any routines as it just doens't feel natural to me. I try to kiss her a few times and she keeps turning her head. I just ignore it as I know that it's not an if we kiss, just a when. At 10pm, she finally lets me kiss her. We spend the next 8 hours Fclosing. It was off the charts. My whole frame has changed and I realized I really like this girl. I am going to take it slow and not making any AFC mistakes (hopefully), but I am super pleased with my success.

PS It turns out all the information from the friend was wrong, she never banged the other dude Saturday night. I'm her first bang in months. Her reputation is totally bogus.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I weighed in at 94.30 kg. To be honest I'm frustrated that I haven't gone down in weight in the last few days. I mean I know I'm only supposed to lose weight at about 1kg per week. And that is on a pure weight-loss diet. With heavy lifting as part of my routine, I am adding muscle mass. I am only on a thermo supplement right now. I've only been on the cycle for 5 days so far, so I know I shouldn't expect miracle. I just hate waiting. Plus I am becoming obsessive. Anyways, my strength is continuing to go up at the gym. I should be happy about that! And last night a girl I like told me I was looking better. Isn't that really more important than anything else? I'm going to a clinic today to see about laser hair removal for my back. I took some photos and they are not a treat. Although I did learn that my butt is surprisingly hairless. I will take a ton of before and after photos. Maybe I will bless the blog with photos for you!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My body aches

What a long day! My body is so sore from my workouts this weekend. Switching from machines to free weights has made my body push me through massive muscle pain again. I really thought I had gotten through this when I started lifting again last month. Obviously, I was wrong. I felt to weak to even do a cardio session today. I just want my body to look awesome right now! I hate the waiting. Anyways, that's not really what I'm blogging about. I think I have an issue with hooking when I facebook close. I think I need to change some things about it. I closed 2 different 2sets on Saturday, one was a number close and one was facebook. I think I need to have someone look at my profile and sort it out for me! I think part of my issue is that this is a weaker type of close anyways. My number close has texted me back a few times, but neither twin has written me back after adding me.... Sigh. I am in such a powerful frame now that my issue is not that they don't write me back, but instead that I want to change whatever I'm doing wrong. Grrrrrrrr. I definitely failed to create callback humor. It's hard to think about anything other than the fact that my arm is on fire right now. I think I have an issue of over-analyzing everything, but I can't change everything at once! Plus I am getting better everyday. I mean a month ago, I couldn't get a single text out of a number close now at least I get those. Working toward developing Day2s.........

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gym Class Hero

So I weighed in at 94.30kg today. Down a little from yesterday. I did my new back free weights routine today. My muscles are on fire. I really worked so much harder than I do on the machines. I think it's a good progression. Instead of jumping straight into free weights. I really believe in slow transitions. I'm also thinking of bringing meal replacement shakes into my life. But I don't want to change too fast. I'm still waiting to see how this thermo supplement makes me feel. I do feel a little strange. Like a 1% difference. It's not a good or bad difference. Just neutral right now. But I'm trying to be really aware of my body and how everything is going. I feel really energized and full of life. I am really glad we don't have a scale in my house though. I can already feel myself becoming obsessed and I think I would weigh myself 10 or 20 times a day. I just want to see each thousandth of a kilo disappear. I dream of seeing what my abs look like. I've never seen them! Also, there is a big LSS event on April 22 and I am sure I will run into some of the guys I know. I want them to see the difference. It's really hard for me to see if my body looks better. I really think it does but I can't be objective. My confidence is improving big time. I have had to cut 2 new holes in my belt and I couldn't even wear it before! It's a think belt and the leather used to cut into my gut. My life is getting better.

A New Pivot

So I went out with a new girl last night that dated one of my mates. We have a really clear relationship. She has slept in my bed twice and nothing has even come close to happening. I like her a lot as a friend but I'm totally not attracted to her. And the feeling is mutual. She is German and I am pretty sure at some point I have written about each of her friends in previous posts. She has a really progressive attitude. We went out last night to find people for each of us! Also great news, she is super picky. She only saw one guy she was attracted to, but he was married. So we spent the whole night focused on me. She is really fascinated about how I deal with and approach women. I really feed off of her energy and even chatted up a checkout girl at the grocery store yesterday. Which I'm usually too shy to do. It was a great experience all around. She wants to learn more about how to be a better wing to me and her personality is really strong. Also I people are really interested in her because she is even more foreign than me. Now to the in field portion of this post........
We started off at Spoons for my friends birthday. He was really drunk and really high energy which I fed off of. I opened a few sets with my pivot and we had a cool time. It's really easy to use natural openers with her there. It's just really congruent, especially because people are always intruiged by at least one of our accents. I got through my warm up sets with her. I did chicken out of one set for no reason. Oh well. It was really high energy and a really good vibe. When my friends were leaving to go to a lame club that is just too dark for me and that my pivot hates, we peeled off and when just the two of us to the cheesy disco club next door. This club is good because people there are all in a really good mood. It is full of cougars hunting boytrash. But in between all of this there can be found high quality girls! Every guy in there has really weak game, so I can open by saying wow that guy was terrible. It shows that I understand there world and having my pivot there roots it as I explain that I have to fend losers off of her too! So we get into the club and at first I am disappointed, as I don't see any sexy babes that I already know. We do a lap and hit the dance floor. Dancing is one of my biggest DHVs. I really love it and I'm pretty good which demostrates two powerful values, physical prowess and confidence. So I am very conscious of where we are dancing and these two cute girls are checking me out. I open them by having them take a picture of my and my pivot. They immediately ask how we know each other and I saw how she's my friend. I build some attraction and kino. It all goes really well and the girls even try to bounce me to the club my other friends already went to. My pivot hates that place and we didn't want to pay another cover when we were already having fun! Anyways I number close one of the girls and she already texted me back late last night saying they tried to get back in to the club to dance with me some more. I think I built attraction with both girls and I wasn't really able to isolate during our 10 minute conversation. I am going to have to teach my pivot a little more of how to assist me. Either was it was a pretty solid close. I will see if it goes anywhere today. I didn't have time to really timebridge....
Two minutes after they left I see two sexy twins. We randomly end up dancing next to them....They start making faces and interacting with us. I tell my pivot to say something, but she is tragically shy and my window closed. I haven't done a lot of dancefloor game before, but I know it's not time for my stock opinion opener! Anyways, this lame dude made it easy for me. He walks up wearing a cheesy 70s hat and the girls are loving it. They talk to him until he gives it to them. The moment he did I knew he would never have sex with either of them. And sure enough, they got rid of him within 2 minutes. I am so glad I can see the matrix. I immediately asked them if they could get a hat for me too. We chatted some more and I learned a little about them. Oh wait, I also asked if they were sisters. Which is super lame because I wanted to ask which of them was older, but I chickened out on that cold read. Sigh. So I asked one of those then the other but I can't remember the order. It was really cool. I did a little kino and chatted to them. Really natural style. My night with Mav is rubbing off on me big time! Anyways, they went off to use the bathroom, but they said they were coming back. I kinda wondered if they really would. Dancefloor game is new to me, so I wasn't sure if I had hooked. Anyways, after a few minutes I have to go to the bathroom. My pivot tells me to leave her there surrounded by wolves, so I did. I hope to run into the HBTwins on the way to the bathroom so I can ask them to watch out for my pivot. In the end I don't run into them and I keep hoping that I will come back to find them dancing with my pivot, and lo they were!!! It was wicked. We danced with them for maybe fifteen more minutes and then I facebook closed them both. I have a stronger frame now as I even made them both promise to accept within 24hours. I added them when I got home before I passed out and they have both accepted me. It only took them 6 hours. poW!
The really important thing is that my pivot told me it was the most fun she's had out in ages! We went to another club later and danced there, but there were no sets. We just built up a lot of street cred and it was cool that way. I will definitely be hanging out with this girl basically every time I go out now. I buy her drinks as I have a better job and believe me she is worth every penny. She doesn't expect it and always tries to buy me drinks, but we'll see. So now there is a girl on the planet I will buy drinks for again!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

No Pain No Gain

So this week I had so much work that I haven't been to the gym in a week. To be honest, I was really worried that my weight would pop up. I mean my clients only fed me a ton of bread. But at home I really stuck to healthy stir fries and a ton of yogurt for snacking. I hit up the gym early today and I was really hesitant to get on the scale. I felt really strong on my run to the gym. I still can't run the full distance, but I was faster on the flat parts. It's on hell of a steep hill. I will get there eventually! I just have so many different exercise targets. I really hit the rowing machine and broke my old record for 2500meters, but of course I was slower than my personal best on the elliptical afterwards. I still did my 1km in 6minutes. I got on the scale and I was at 96ish. I was pleased I didn't go up so much, but at the same time I was wearing my sweat-drenched hoodie. So then I hit up the free weights. Switching from the machines is hard. I life less weight and it's a lot harder! I am already feeling that all my muscles are torn. It's a great feeling. I didn't have time for the powerplate today, as there were people having a spinning class. I did hit the scale minus my hoodie and mp3playing phone at the end. I came in at 94.90kg. I am wicked pleased. That's my lowest weight in 3 years! I feel invincible. I haven't been below 90kg in probably ten years, so I can't wait for that blog! Anyways, today I started my cycle of ThermoDynamix from EAS. It's supposed to raise my core body temperature. Hopefully it will help me lose weight even faster. I will keep updating you on my cycle and success. I have used this product before, back when it contained ephedra, and it really worked. I am hoping it can still work without that. I will see. I am really excited. I want my inside and outside to achieve parity. I will keep you updated. I really think I look different in the mirror!!!

New Wing

So last night I went out with Maverick69 from Juggler method. You really never know what you expect when you first meet a new dude, especially when the one thing you have in common attracts some creepy guys. Anyways he pulls up and I hop into his car to help him find a parking space. And I was like whoa this dude is so different than I expected. He's in his mid30s and like just not what I expected. But after about 10 minutes I realized he's a legend. He is really focused on natural game and natural progression and he loves to open. At the first bar he just opened two girls right next to us and brought me in instantly. The baffling thing is, his two-man openers work. Of course I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing. His style is very different from mine. I came into the set and had to totally be on my toes it was a really good lesson. We got deep into our second set, but unfortunately he ejected both of us before I could close my girl. I did have moderate attraction with her; I just needed more time to ratchet it up. But it's all good. Anyways I am definately gonna chill with this dude agian. It's really interesting to be around different styles that really work. I have heard a lot of negative things about that style lately, but I liked what I saw last night. I'll post more as more things happen.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Diet

So I was at the gym again today. That's three days in a row. I finished work early and my first thought was that I have time to go to the better grocery store for more veggies and I could hit the gym. I am still under 96 kg, even with my normal fluctuations. I am finally really shifting my diet. Today was the first time I had like a healthy looking cart at the grocery store. I bought a ton of veggies and a ton of yogurt for snacks. Instead of chips n whatknot. I just ordered some creatine and a weight loss supplement from eas that I know works. Of course, I have to maintain my diet and exercise big time when I start my supplement cycle next week. I really want to push my weight down 10 more kg. I think I can do it in 6 weeks. That's only 1.5 kg a week, not too unreasonable. Anyways, I am realy trying to keep myself honest by posting a lot on here. It's strange but since I started lifting with my housemate on Saturday, my body is insanely sore. Free weights really do just work you harder than machines... So I am really trying to get him to stay on course with me. I think it will really help me a lot. I love lifting so much. But like most normal people he hates it. Ha! I just wish my muscles would stop hurting so I could lift again. I really hope I don't fall off the wagon again. I want to stay motivated big time!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Another Warm Approach

I was out for my friends leaving party. She is going away for 4 months. I warm approached a couple of girls and ran more kino and attraction building material. I was a lot more successful than previously, unfortunately there were no legitimate targets. Se la vi. It was good to have more success. I am really working hard on developing a powerful attraction building stack. I am really trying to ratchet up the sexual tension, big time! It's definately getting better. Softly soflty catchee monkee.
Today I was out with the girl I tried Golden Mirror on. She dropped by the house because she might move into the empty room next month. She ended up spending hours with me. It was cool. I worked on some push pull attraction building and lots of kino monster. It went pretty well. I can't tell how many attraction switches I hit, but it was pretty cool. She asked me some screening questions. The real coup is that we randomly walked into this art store, which is actually like a gallery inside. I chatted up the two girls inside and they let us roam all over. I am going to make it a major part of my Day 2 from now on!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weighty Issues

So I got my house mate to finally hit the gym with me. I was able to do most of my normal routine. I struggled with the rowing machine, as I'm still out of sorts after my surgery. So I did extra running on the elliptical. I broke my personal record and broke 4 minutes on that badboy. I'm sure there are people that can bring more noise than me, but I am wicked proud. I was doing 7 minutes just 2 months ago. I mean it wore me the hell out but it was cool. I hit the scales and I am so pleased. I am at 95.3 kg, that is 210 lbs or exactly 15 stone. I am really happy to push through a milestone like that. I am working on my diet as well as exercise now. I have shifted my snacking from chips to yogurt. I have shifted almost totally away from soda as well. I have slowly shifted my diet over the past 2 months and it's really working out. Now I am craving more vegetables. I am eating more stir fries instead of just meat and bread. Hopefully I can really tighten up in the next 6 weeks. My parents are visiting me then. They haven't seen me in 6 months and I want them to say holy crap what happened?
Now that I have adjusted my diet and I am going to bring a few basic supplements into the mix to see if I can have some real breathrough results. I am super focused right now and totally dedicated to my openness on this here blog. I am gonna use creatine again which I haven't used since I was 18. It really worked then so I think it will really work now. I would really like to drop down to about 85 kilos of lean muscle. That would please me to no end. I really am not sure if my bodyweight can actually drop to 80kg, but that is my stretch goal. I am going to keep on trucking.

Warm Approach

Two major things happened last night. I went out to a club of really good sets and my AA overwhelmed me. I didn't open a single set. I even just wanted to get blown out of one on purpose but I totally failed. I really need to keep doing my Hypnotica drills. I keep getting closer. I felt like such a tool for all of that. But also I felt like my fear level was lower than last time. I am going to keep facing this fear til I defeat it. Now that it's my dominant fear I am totally obsessed. I have faced down my fears of heights and needles. It's time to take this one down.
But this is really about what happened after I met up with my friends. They were talking to a bunch of people I have never met before including a 3set of cute girls. I opened the one I liked by asking if one of the guys was her brother, even though I knew it was her house mates bf. I ran a couple of lying routines on her and did a finger cold read. I also ran some job guessing material. I had her on the line for a while, but as usual with a warm approach it all died. I'm really not sure where in the interaction everything fell apart. I even got her to hold my drink while I went to the smoking area for a few minutes. Right in the middle of setting up my thumb wrestling routine her friend interrupted so it never happened. She really didn't like my bodyguard role play either. Eventually I lost her and then she got chatted up by this gorilla. He is def on the roids. Maybe I should do that? Just become insanely huge. Then you don't need any personality....hA! I really do suck at warm approaches.
The real problem is that I can't calibrate them very well. And IOIs are basically meaningless. I mean I could feel right when I started losing her. Which is a major improvement. But I still couldn't stop it. I tried that exercise where afterwards I think through to reenact everything but with more success. My big weakness was kino. I did some, but it was too little too late. We were outside so my hands were cold. I couldn't decide whether it's better to put cold hands on her or not..........I'll ask on the forum I guess, but that is the main thing I am going to focus on tonight!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Great Happiness Space

What a crazy movie! I definately recommend it big time. It really shows a lot about frame control and frame battles. There is some powerful street game as well. The first half of the movie is the best. The second half is really sad as it deals with the morality of a lifestyle filled with women. These guys have turned the game into a career. This Japanese movie blew my mind. I mean it really shows so much of what I never understood. Check it out for reals.

Recommended Reading

As you can see I have some blogs to the right that I recommend reading. These dudes are all masters. At this stage, I am just keeping a record of my struggles and battles. These guys post really raw and useful knowledge. Each of them has a different take and it's a really good way to get solid info. Some people are keyboard jockey's and spend forever on the forums. I'm guilty of that. Usually I open the Lounge and leave it open all day. If anyone is looking they must think I'm the worst! Usually, I have to run to catch a train and I forget to close the window. I don't share this computer and no one would ever come in my room so it's whatever.
Anyways, I just finished reading all of DaHunter's blog for the past year and it's wicked hilarious. I am just digging into some of the other one's but I definitely think it's good to mix in blog reading with everything else. I was just looking at my past posts and I actually can't believe all the adventures that I've had in the past 3 months. It's actually insane. If I leave my house something worth blogging about happens. I actually don't blog about half of the chicks I talk to. Sometimes it's just too convoluted and I don't feel like writing a book, although I have written like 5 posts tonight. Looking back has actually given me a really good confidence boost. I can see how cool my life is getting. If you go back and read my first posts, that I wrote in Japan, you can see pure AFC thinking. I wrote those 6months before I even heard of the scene. Anyways, I'm off to wacth The Happiness Space. I'll let you know if it's good!

Leader of Men

So I have this friend who is amazing with women. He sent me a text because he is worried about his gf. I called him right away. I think it's amazing that he comes to me for advice. This is the same guy I explained orbiters to a few weeks ago. He was really worried over nothing just needed someone to be objective and help him relax. Anyways, I talked about what was attractive about him and I realized the thing that is really different about him is that he is deeply emotional. And he puts it right on the surface. He hugs every guy he is friends with including me in a really emotional way. I realized during our chat that it really conveys an energy and a sense of value. Like he gives you affirmation when he does it. This in turn means he must have value. It's really powerful and I'm going to add it to my life.
The thing is that I am becoming an actual leader of men as more and more of the guys in my life come to me for advice on girls. I really like helping people and I think this is great. Of course I also love that it's one of the three primary attraction switches. I can really see why some guys get into this business. They just love helping people have a better life.

Sticking Points

Mr M just sent me this email with my sticking points. It's based on my time at the bootcamp in London. I think that I should share it here as for me this blog is all about keeping it real. I eventually want to merge the strength of frame I have here into my real life. Here is the advice I got from him and Vercetti. It's pure money and I think it could help a lot of other new guys that are like me.

Smile and exude warmth, in attraction, but particularly during qualification. You can come across as a little cold in your sets which is OK for attraction (though it is not necessary) but you need to exude more warmth when you qualify

Remember to kino

Image – clothing wise work on an identity. Also work on body image (do you go to the gym?)

Sexualizing your game – conveying sexuality in your appearance

Go for compliance – i.e. mini isolations and then isolation

Work on being more dominant in the set and generally. Physically lead and take up space

Body language/Posture

PS I should mention here that I haven't been to the gym in a week. Not because I've lost the motivation. I love the gym. But because I had surgery on Monday and I'm recovering. I still miss that place and I think I will go on Saturday for a light workout. So I don't know my current weight.

Taste the Fear

So I have been home all week on account of some surgery on Monday. Super lame. I really want to be out gaming and breaking through my AA. I mean I just went to bootcamp last week and I want to be tearing it up. I am working on a ton of projects to see which one is the most powerful. I am working my way through Hypnotica's Inner Game DVDs. So far they are wicked. I'm most of the way through the 1st one. Each exercise is so intense that I can only do about 1 a day. Today I imagined overcoming my primary obstacle and how my life could be so different. It was really powerful. I still feel some fear coursing through me, but I also feel this counter-agent in my blood now. It's like I'm a super emotional guy so my fear goes really deep. I haven't talked to a lot of other guys about this but my pulse triples when I get an AA attack. I go from 60bpm to about 180. How intense is that? Anways, I really get off on fear sometimes, like when I'm mountain climbing or snowboarding etc. In fact when I get back stateside I am going to do a tandom HALO jump. The only place in the USA where you can do it outside the military is in Memphis. I will probably shat myself, but I think it will be really powerful.
Anyways, I am also working on Magnus' tapping material. A lot of guys swear by it so I am going to get more into it. The thing is I can only rock so many strategies at a time. I think I just need to be around more guys who can really analyze my game and isolate my mistakes. But right now my main mistake is AA. I am still not opening the sets I want to, so I end up in set with low-value girls and my game gets off track. Also, I am hanging around girls that are into the indy scene too much so my actual value is lower. I need to break out of that.
I think that if I can break through my fear my game will explode in a major way. Next week I have a ton of work so I won't be worried about money anymore for a while. I think I will really try and break into the whole LSS scene and meet more of those dudes. I have this extra issue in my town that I fear that getting blown out of set will get back to my friends. It's such a stupid thing because my game in-set is really tight. I tend to get cold numbers rather than shot down in public. After my success in London and my talks with Mr M, I know my game can really explode. I just need to get over my fear so I can deal with my other sticking points. He sent me a really wicked email which I'm totally gonna focus on....

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Divorcee

This story is intricate and strange. I opened a 2set last wed before the whole army of wings incident. The divorced chick from that set left while I was working the 2 trashy girls from staines. Then I ran into her with her other friend Friday night while I'm leaving the pub to hit the after-hours. I re-open and chat to them both some. Get some cool chat going. I then got back into convo with the 2 supercool lesbians I met. HBDivorcee disappeared because she saw a ton of her Xs friends around. She was hiding behind columns and everything. So I was like damn I missed a close two times. What are the odds? I was kinda annoyed but then I forgot. The 2lesbians were both really sexy and cool to talk to. I think I'm going to try and become good friends with them for social proof/framing. They are pretty damn socially smart. They thought I was gay because I'm very animated. When I said I wasn't one of them was like wow that must help a lot with girls because you get in under the radar. I respect intelligence!
Sat night I'm out at my afterhours and I run into HBDivorcee and her friend again. HBD is out on a date with some loser she met at a bar friday night. Her friend even told me she really didn't like the guy. Anyways the friend gives me her facebook info and a quick snog even though her boyfriend is at the bar. We chatted on and off throughout the night, but I made it clear I like HBDivorcee. I even chatted to the bf a little later and mentioned how I had met HBDivorcee. It was all kinda strange but I maintained my frame. I only got the friend's facebook bc she said I could get HBDivrocee's info off her page...Anyways, instead of adding me she blocked me... Chicks are so weird! Anyways I also number closed this cute German girl from some social circle game and I'll let you know if that turns out!

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